miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Fable of the three brothers

The fable is interesting !!! :D :P :) :3

1. How many brothers were?
2. What gift them the spirit of death?
3. How the brothers died?

2 comentarios:

  1. 1.- were three men
    2.-At first he gave her a magic wand
    The second brother I give the gift of raising the dead.
    The third brother will I give you a blanket unlivable
    3.-the first brother killed him
    the second brother hanged
    the third brother died of old man

  2. 1.- were three brothers
    2.- He gave an award to each
    The older brother gave him the most powerful wand.
    The middle brother gave him a stone with the power to restore life to the dead.
    A younger brother gave his own invisible to leave that place without death can see layer.
    3.-The first cut his throat died.
    The second is suicide.
    The youngest died at a ripe old age just because the invisibility cloak was removed.
