domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

Man in the moon

This is a new story. It is very interesting. It is one on my favorite stories.

Chapter 1

 The Man in the Moon came tumbling down,
And enquired the way to Norwich;
He went by the south and burned his mouth
With eating cold pease porridge!

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Fable of the three brothers

The fable is interesting !!! :D :P :) :3

1. How many brothers were?
2. What gift them the spirit of death?
3. How the brothers died?

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Mulan's Story- (Chapter 4-5-6)

Mulan's Story 

  • Mulan fights in many battles and win them all.
  • One day a soldier handed a message from the Emperor to Mulan.
  • Mulan had to visit the Emperor. When Mulan arrived at the temple, he Emperor offered many things but she just wanted ahorse to go home.
  • When Mulan was about to go home, Ye Ming asked Huan Hu( Mulan) never forget.
  • Mulan's family prepared a great feast for your arrival.
  • Hua Hu was again Mulan.
  • Mulan is happy to be at home again. Every day helps her father.
  • One day Ye Ming visited the homes of Huan Hu(Mulan).
  • Ye Ming was surprised when he saw Hua Hu, because it was not the same.
  • Hua Hu(Mulan) had confessed her secret.
  • Ye Ming asked Mulan, will you marry me? she said yes after talking to your father.
  • Hua Hu and Mulan is married and lived happily for many years.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Mulan's Story- (Chapter 1-2-3)

Mulan's story is very interesting, it is one of my favorite stories.

Mulan's Story

  • Mulan is a Chinese girl who lives with her parents and siblings.
  • China was at war, so the Chinese kingdom recruited men for combat.
  • One of the men was selected Mulan's father
  • Mulan was very worried and devised a plan to get his father to go to war.
  • She decided to go to war instead of his father, posing as his son.