domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

Man in the moon

This is a new story. It is very interesting. It is one on my favorite stories.

Chapter 1

 The Man in the Moon came tumbling down,
And enquired the way to Norwich;
He went by the south and burned his mouth
With eating cold pease porridge!

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Fable of the three brothers

The fable is interesting !!! :D :P :) :3

1. How many brothers were?
2. What gift them the spirit of death?
3. How the brothers died?

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Mulan's Story- (Chapter 4-5-6)

Mulan's Story 

  • Mulan fights in many battles and win them all.
  • One day a soldier handed a message from the Emperor to Mulan.
  • Mulan had to visit the Emperor. When Mulan arrived at the temple, he Emperor offered many things but she just wanted ahorse to go home.
  • When Mulan was about to go home, Ye Ming asked Huan Hu( Mulan) never forget.
  • Mulan's family prepared a great feast for your arrival.
  • Hua Hu was again Mulan.
  • Mulan is happy to be at home again. Every day helps her father.
  • One day Ye Ming visited the homes of Huan Hu(Mulan).
  • Ye Ming was surprised when he saw Hua Hu, because it was not the same.
  • Hua Hu(Mulan) had confessed her secret.
  • Ye Ming asked Mulan, will you marry me? she said yes after talking to your father.
  • Hua Hu and Mulan is married and lived happily for many years.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Mulan's Story- (Chapter 1-2-3)

Mulan's story is very interesting, it is one of my favorite stories.

Mulan's Story

  • Mulan is a Chinese girl who lives with her parents and siblings.
  • China was at war, so the Chinese kingdom recruited men for combat.
  • One of the men was selected Mulan's father
  • Mulan was very worried and devised a plan to get his father to go to war.
  • She decided to go to war instead of his father, posing as his son.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Interest and wants

Today I learned to use the words "interesting and want" in my dialogues, such as:
I would like to work for NASA
She wants to travel to Russia
Eloy is interested in dance
We would to eat pizza in my house
I'm interested in learning algebra
Jesus and Kenia are interested in sport.
Eduardo and I would like to travel to the United States.
Omar and Kimberly would like to eat ice cream
Anna and Fabian are interested in buying a lot of clothes
Manuel and Jimy are interested in going for a walk

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

That's how I am!

Hi! My name is Leticia Lisseth Tituaña Picuasi , but everyone knows me by Lety .
I was born in Antonio Ante in Imbabura province , my parents also born in the same place as my brothers and sisters.
I have two sisters and three younger siblings , I am the oldest :'(